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True Facts: Hippopotamus

1 Views· 07/06/23
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Special Thanks to:

Dr Eduardo J Fernandez, University of Adelaide
Dr Jonas Schoelynck, University of Antwerp
Dr Julio de Castro
Dr Frank Fish, West Chester University
Dr Maria Maust-Mohl, Manhattan College
Dr Christopher Dutton, University of Florida
Dr Joseph Dudley, University of Alaska
Dr Todd McWhorter, University of Adelaide
Dr Victoria Inman, NSW Dept. of Planning and Environment
Dr Philip Gingerich, University of Michigan
Dr Rebecca Lewison, San Diego State University

Peter Geraerdts
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n922pMUlgic, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOOaF2vEoKs

Lex Hollmann @LexHollmann
Johan Vermeulen | The Nature Box @thenatureboxfilms
Amos Kaggwa https://www.instagram.com/amostheguide/
San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance @SanDiegoZoo
ZSL Whipsnade Zoo @ZslOrg1826
Prof. Gordon T. Taylor
PapaArtzzi*- Art Ryan, https://www.instagram.com/artryan4674/

Latest Sightings @Latestsightings
iStock by Getty Images
Envato Elements


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